# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Joël Grand-Guillaume
# Copyright 2013 Camptocamp SA
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import xmlrpclib
from openerp import models, fields
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job, related_action
from openerp.addons.connector.event import on_record_create
from openerp.addons.connector.exception import NothingToDoJob
from openerp.addons.connector.unit.synchronizer import Exporter
from openerp.addons.connector.exception import IDMissingInBackend
from openerp.addons.connector_ecommerce.event import on_picking_out_done
from .unit.backend_adapter import GenericAdapter
from .connector import get_environment
from .backend import magento
from .stock_tracking import export_tracking_number
from .related_action import unwrap_binding
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MagentoStockPicking(models.Model):
_name = 'magento.stock.picking'
_inherit = 'magento.binding'
_inherits = {'stock.picking': 'openerp_id'}
_description = 'Magento Delivery Order'
openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='stock.picking',
string='Stock Picking',
magento_order_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='magento.sale.order',
string='Magento Sale Order',
ondelete='set null')
picking_method = fields.Selection(selection=[('complete', 'Complete'),
('partial', 'Partial')],
string='Picking Method',
[docs]class StockPicking(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.picking'
magento_bind_ids = fields.One2many(
string="Magento Bindings",
class StockPickingAdapter(GenericAdapter):
_model_name = 'magento.stock.picking'
_magento_model = 'sales_order_shipment'
_admin_path = 'sales_shipment/view/shipment_id/{id}'
def _call(self, method, arguments):
return super(StockPickingAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments)
except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
# this is the error in the Magento API
# when the shipment does not exist
if err.faultCode == 100:
raise IDMissingInBackend
[docs] def create(self, order_id, items, comment, email, include_comment):
""" Create a record on the external system """
return self._call('%s.create' % self._magento_model,
[order_id, items, comment, email, include_comment])
[docs] def add_tracking_number(self, magento_id, carrier_code,
tracking_title, tracking_number):
""" Add new tracking number.
:param magento_id: shipment increment id
:param carrier_code: code of the carrier on Magento
:param tracking_title: title displayed on Magento for the tracking
:param tracking_number: tracking number
return self._call('%s.addTrack' % self._magento_model,
[magento_id, carrier_code,
tracking_title, tracking_number])
[docs] def get_carriers(self, magento_id):
""" Get the list of carrier codes allowed for the shipping.
:param magento_id: order increment id
:rtype: list
return self._call('%s.getCarriers' % self._magento_model,
class MagentoPickingExporter(Exporter):
_model_name = ['magento.stock.picking']
def _get_args(self, picking, lines_info=None):
if lines_info is None:
lines_info = {}
sale_binder = self.binder_for('magento.sale.order')
magento_sale_id = sale_binder.to_backend(picking.magento_order_id.id)
mail_notification = self._get_picking_mail_option(picking)
return (magento_sale_id, lines_info,
_("Shipping Created"), mail_notification, True)
def _get_lines_info(self, picking):
Get the line to export to Magento. In case some lines doesn't have a
matching on Magento, we ignore them. This allow to add lines manually.
:param picking: picking is a record of a stock.picking
:type picking: browse_record
:return: dict of {magento_product_id: quantity}
:rtype: dict
item_qty = {}
# get product and quantities to ship from the picking
for line in picking.move_lines:
sale_line = line.procurement_id.sale_line_id
if not sale_line.magento_bind_ids:
magento_sale_line = next(
(line for line in sale_line.magento_bind_ids
if line.backend_id.id == picking.backend_id.id),
if not magento_sale_line:
item_id = magento_sale_line.magento_id
item_qty.setdefault(item_id, 0)
item_qty[item_id] += line.product_qty
return item_qty
def _get_picking_mail_option(self, picking):
:param picking: picking is an instance of a stock.picking browse record
:type picking: browse_record
:returns: value of send_picking_done_mail chosen on magento shop
:rtype: boolean
magento_shop = picking.sale_id.magento_bind_ids[0].store_id
return magento_shop.send_picking_done_mail
[docs] def run(self, binding_id):
Export the picking to Magento
picking = self.model.browse(binding_id)
if picking.magento_id:
return _('Already exported')
picking_method = picking.picking_method
if picking_method == 'complete':
args = self._get_args(picking)
elif picking_method == 'partial':
lines_info = self._get_lines_info(picking)
if not lines_info:
raise NothingToDoJob(_('Canceled: the delivery order does not '
'contain lines from the original '
'sale order.'))
args = self._get_args(picking, lines_info)
raise ValueError("Wrong value for picking_method, authorized "
"values are 'partial' or 'complete', "
"found: %s" % picking_method)
magento_id = self.backend_adapter.create(*args)
except xmlrpclib.Fault as err:
# When the shipping is already created on Magento, it returns:
# <Fault 102: u"Impossible de faire
# l\'exp\xe9dition de la commande.">
if err.faultCode == 102:
raise NothingToDoJob('Canceled: the delivery order already '
'exists on Magento (fault 102).')
self.binder.bind(magento_id, binding_id)
# ensure that we store the external ID
MagentoPickingExport = MagentoPickingExporter # deprecated
def picking_out_done(session, model_name, record_id, picking_method):
Create a ``magento.stock.picking`` record. This record will then
be exported to Magento.
:param picking_method: picking_method, can be 'complete' or 'partial'
:type picking_method: str
picking = session.env[model_name].browse(record_id)
sale = picking.sale_id
if not sale:
for magento_sale in sale.magento_bind_ids:
'backend_id': magento_sale.backend_id.id,
'openerp_id': picking.id,
'magento_order_id': magento_sale.id,
'picking_method': picking_method})
def delay_export_picking_out(session, model_name, record_id, vals):
binding = session.env[model_name].browse(record_id)
# tracking number is sent when:
# * the picking is exported and the tracking number was already
# there before the picking was done OR
# * the tracking number is added after the picking is done
# We have to keep the initial state of whether we had an
# tracking number in the job kwargs, because if we read the
# picking at the time of execution of the job, a tracking could
# have been added and it would be exported twice.
with_tracking = bool(binding.carrier_tracking_ref)
export_picking_done.delay(session, model_name, record_id,
def export_picking_done(session, model_name, record_id, with_tracking=True):
""" Export a complete or partial delivery order. """
# with_tracking is True to keep a backward compatibility (jobs that
# are pending and miss this argument will behave the same, but
# it should be called with True only if the carrier_tracking_ref
# is True when the job is created.
picking = session.env[model_name].browse(record_id)
backend_id = picking.backend_id.id
env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id)
picking_exporter = env.get_connector_unit(MagentoPickingExporter)
res = picking_exporter.run(record_id)
if with_tracking and picking.carrier_tracking_ref:
export_tracking_number.delay(session, model_name, record_id)
return res