Source code for openerp.addons.magentoerpconnect.product

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Author: Guewen Baconnier, David Beal
#    Copyright 2013 Camptocamp SA
#    Copyright 2013 Akretion
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import urllib2
import base64
import xmlrpclib
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.addons.connector.queue.job import job, related_action
from openerp.addons.connector.event import on_record_write
from openerp.addons.connector.unit.synchronizer import (Importer,
from openerp.addons.connector.exception import (MappingError,
from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import (mapping,
from .unit.backend_adapter import (GenericAdapter,
from .unit.mapper import normalize_datetime
from .unit.import_synchronizer import (DelayedBatchImporter,
from .connector import get_environment
from .backend import magento
from .related_action import unwrap_binding

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def chunks(items, length): for index in xrange(0, len(items), length): yield items[index:index + length]
[docs]class MagentoProductProduct(models.Model): _name = 'magento.product.product' _inherit = 'magento.binding' _inherits = {'product.product': 'openerp_id'} _description = 'Magento Product'
[docs] @api.model def product_type_get(self): return [ ('simple', 'Simple Product'), ('configurable', 'Configurable Product'), ('virtual', 'Virtual Product'), ('downloadable', 'Downloadable Product'), # XXX activate when supported # ('grouped', 'Grouped Product'), # ('bundle', 'Bundle Product'), ]
openerp_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='product.product', string='Product', required=True, ondelete='restrict') # XXX website_ids can be computed from categories website_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='', string='Websites', readonly=True) created_at = fields.Date('Created At (on Magento)') updated_at = fields.Date('Updated At (on Magento)') product_type = fields.Selection(selection='product_type_get', string='Magento Product Type', default='simple', required=True) manage_stock = fields.Selection( selection=[('use_default', 'Use Default Config'), ('no', 'Do Not Manage Stock'), ('yes', 'Manage Stock')], string='Manage Stock Level', default='use_default', required=True, ) backorders = fields.Selection( selection=[('use_default', 'Use Default Config'), ('no', 'No Sell'), ('yes', 'Sell Quantity < 0'), ('yes-and-notification', 'Sell Quantity < 0 and ' 'Use Customer Notification')], string='Manage Inventory Backorders', default='use_default', required=True, ) magento_qty = fields.Float(string='Computed Quantity', help="Last computed quantity to send " "on Magento.") no_stock_sync = fields.Boolean( string='No Stock Synchronization', required=False, help="Check this to exclude the product " "from stock synchronizations.", ) RECOMPUTE_QTY_STEP = 1000 # products at a time
[docs] @api.multi def recompute_magento_qty(self): """ Check if the quantity in the stock location configured on the backend has changed since the last export. If it has changed, write the updated quantity on `magento_qty`. The write on `magento_qty` will trigger an `on_record_write` event that will create an export job. It groups the products by backend to avoid to read the backend informations for each product. """ # group products by backend backends = defaultdict(self.browse) for product in self: backends[product.backend_id] |= product for backend, products in backends.iteritems(): self._recompute_magento_qty_backend(backend, products) return True
@api.multi def _recompute_magento_qty_backend(self, backend, products, read_fields=None): """ Recompute the products quantity for one backend. If field names are passed in ``read_fields`` (as a list), they will be read in the product that is used in :meth:`~._magento_qty`. """ if backend.product_stock_field_id: stock_field = else: stock_field = 'virtual_available' location = backend.warehouse_id.lot_stock_id product_fields = ['magento_qty', stock_field] if read_fields: product_fields += read_fields self_with_location = self.with_context( for chunk_ids in chunks(products.ids, self.RECOMPUTE_QTY_STEP): records = self_with_location.browse(chunk_ids) for product in new_qty = self._magento_qty(product, backend, location, stock_field) if new_qty != product['magento_qty']: self.browse(product['id']).magento_qty = new_qty @api.multi def _magento_qty(self, product, backend, location, stock_field): """ Return the current quantity for one product. Can be inherited to change the way the quantity is computed, according to a backend / location. If you need to read additional fields on the product, see the ``read_fields`` argument of :meth:`~._recompute_magento_qty_backend` """ return product[stock_field]
[docs]class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.product' magento_bind_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='magento.product.product', inverse_name='openerp_id', string='Magento Bindings', )
[docs]@magento class ProductProductAdapter(GenericAdapter): _model_name = 'magento.product.product' _magento_model = 'catalog_product' _admin_path = '/{model}/edit/id/{id}' def _call(self, method, arguments): try: return super(ProductProductAdapter, self)._call(method, arguments) except xmlrpclib.Fault as err: # this is the error in the Magento API # when the product does not exist if err.faultCode == 101: raise IDMissingInBackend else: raise
[docs] def search(self, filters=None, from_date=None, to_date=None): """ Search records according to some criteria and returns a list of ids :rtype: list """ if filters is None: filters = {} dt_fmt = MAGENTO_DATETIME_FORMAT if from_date is not None: filters.setdefault('updated_at', {}) filters['updated_at']['from'] = from_date.strftime(dt_fmt) if to_date is not None: filters.setdefault('updated_at', {}) filters['updated_at']['to'] = to_date.strftime(dt_fmt) # TODO add a search entry point on the Magento API return [int(row['product_id']) for row in self._call('%s.list' % self._magento_model, [filters] if filters else [{}])]
[docs] def read(self, id, storeview_id=None, attributes=None): """ Returns the information of a record :rtype: dict """ return self._call('', [int(id), storeview_id, attributes, 'id'])
[docs] def write(self, id, data, storeview_id=None): """ Update records on the external system """ # XXX actually only ol_catalog_product.update works # the PHP connector maybe breaks the catalog_product.update return self._call('ol_catalog_product.update', [int(id), data, storeview_id, 'id'])
[docs] def get_images(self, id, storeview_id=None): return self._call('product_media.list', [int(id), storeview_id, 'id'])
[docs] def read_image(self, id, image_name, storeview_id=None): return self._call('', [int(id), image_name, storeview_id, 'id'])
[docs] def update_inventory(self, id, data): # product_stock.update is too slow return self._call('oerp_cataloginventory_stock_item.update', [int(id), data])
[docs]@magento class ProductBatchImporter(DelayedBatchImporter): """ Import the Magento Products. For every product category in the list, a delayed job is created. Import from a date """ _model_name = ['magento.product.product']
[docs] def run(self, filters=None): """ Run the synchronization """ from_date = filters.pop('from_date', None) to_date = filters.pop('to_date', None) record_ids =, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date)'search for magento products %s returned %s', filters, record_ids) for record_id in record_ids: self._import_record(record_id)
ProductBatchImport = ProductBatchImporter # deprecated
[docs]@magento class CatalogImageImporter(Importer): """ Import images for a record. Usually called from importers, in ``_after_import``. For instance from the products importer. """ _model_name = ['magento.product.product', ] def _get_images(self, storeview_id=None): return self.backend_adapter.get_images(self.magento_id, storeview_id) def _sort_images(self, images): """ Returns a list of images sorted by their priority. An image with the 'image' type is the the primary one. The other images are sorted by their position. The returned list is reversed, the items at the end of the list have the higher priority. """ if not images: return {} # place the images where the type is 'image' first then # sort them by the reverse priority (last item of the list has # the the higher priority) def priority(image): primary = 'image' in image['types'] try: position = int(image['position']) except ValueError: position = sys.maxint return (primary, -position) return sorted(images, key=priority) def _get_binary_image(self, image_data): url = image_data['url'].encode('utf8') try: request = urllib2.Request(url) if self.backend_record.auth_basic_username \ and self.backend_record.auth_basic_password: base64string = base64.b64encode( '%s:%s' % (self.backend_record.auth_basic_username, self.backend_record.auth_basic_password)) request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string) binary = urllib2.urlopen(request) except urllib2.HTTPError as err: if err.code == 404: # the image is just missing, we skip it return else: # we don't know why we couldn't download the image # so we propagate the error, the import will fail # and we have to check why it couldn't be accessed raise else: return def _write_image_data(self, binding_id, binary, image_data): model = self.model.with_context(connector_no_export=True) binding = model.browse(binding_id) binding.write({'image': base64.b64encode(binary)})
[docs] def run(self, magento_id, binding_id): self.magento_id = magento_id images = self._get_images() images = self._sort_images(images) binary = None image_data = None while not binary and images: image_data = images.pop() binary = self._get_binary_image(image_data) if not binary: return self._write_image_data(binding_id, binary, image_data)
[docs]@magento class BundleImporter(Importer): """ Can be inherited to change the way the bundle products are imported. Called at the end of the import of a product. Example of action when importing a bundle product: - Create a bill of material - Import the structure of the bundle in new objects By default, the bundle products are not imported: the jobs are set as failed, because there is no known way to import them. An additional module that implements the import should be installed. If you want to create a custom importer for the bundles, you have to declare the ConnectorUnit on your backend:: @magento_custom class XBundleImporter(BundleImporter): _model_name = 'magento.product.product' # implement import_bundle If you want to create a generic module that import bundles, you have to replace the current ConnectorUnit:: @magento(replacing=BundleImporter) class XBundleImporter(BundleImporter): _model_name = 'magento.product.product' # implement import_bundle And to add the bundle type in the supported product types:: class magento_product_product(orm.Model): _inherit = 'magento.product.product' def product_type_get(self, cr, uid, context=None): types = super(magento_product_product, self).product_type_get( cr, uid, context=context) if 'bundle' not in [item[0] for item in types]: types.append(('bundle', 'Bundle')) return types """ _model_name = 'magento.product.product'
[docs] def run(self, binding_id, magento_record): """ Import the bundle information about a product. :param magento_record: product information from Magento """
[docs]@magento class ProductImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = 'magento.product.product' # TODO : categ, special_price => minimal_price direct = [('name', 'name'), ('description', 'description'), ('weight', 'weight'), ('cost', 'standard_price'), ('short_description', 'description_sale'), ('sku', 'default_code'), ('type_id', 'product_type'), (normalize_datetime('created_at'), 'created_at'), (normalize_datetime('updated_at'), 'updated_at'), ]
[docs] @mapping def is_active(self, record): mapper = self.unit_for(IsActiveProductImportMapper) return mapper.map_record(record).values(**self.options)
[docs] @mapping def price(self, record): mapper = self.unit_for(PriceProductImportMapper) return mapper.map_record(record).values(**self.options)
[docs] @mapping def type(self, record): if record['type_id'] == 'simple': return {'type': 'product'} elif record['type_id'] in ('virtual', 'downloadable'): return {'type': 'service'} return
[docs] @mapping def website_ids(self, record): website_ids = [] binder = self.binder_for('') for mag_website_id in record['websites']: website_id = binder.to_openerp(mag_website_id) website_ids.append((4, website_id)) return {'website_ids': website_ids}
[docs] @mapping def categories(self, record): mag_categories = record['categories'] binder = self.binder_for('magento.product.category') category_ids = [] main_categ_id = None for mag_category_id in mag_categories: cat_id = binder.to_openerp(mag_category_id, unwrap=True) if cat_id is None: raise MappingError("The product category with " "magento id %s is not imported." % mag_category_id) category_ids.append(cat_id) if category_ids: main_categ_id = category_ids.pop(0) if main_categ_id is None: default_categ = self.backend_record.default_category_id if default_categ: main_categ_id = result = {'categ_ids': [(6, 0, category_ids)]} if main_categ_id: # OpenERP assign 'All Products' if not specified result['categ_id'] = main_categ_id return result
[docs] @mapping def magento_id(self, record): return {'magento_id': record['product_id']}
[docs] @mapping def backend_id(self, record): return {'backend_id':}
[docs] @mapping def bundle_mapping(self, record): if record['type_id'] == 'bundle': bundle_mapper = self.unit_for(BundleProductImportMapper) return bundle_mapper.map_record(record).values(**self.options)
[docs] @only_create @mapping def openerp_id(self, record): """ Will bind the product to an existing one with the same code """ product = self.env['product.product'].search( [('default_code', '=', record['sku'])], limit=1) if product: return {'openerp_id':}
[docs]@magento class ProductImporter(MagentoImporter): _model_name = ['magento.product.product'] _base_mapper = ProductImportMapper def _import_bundle_dependencies(self): """ Import the dependencies for a Bundle """ bundle = self.magento_record['_bundle_data'] for option in bundle['options']: for selection in option['selections']: self._import_dependency(selection['product_id'], 'magento.product.product') def _import_dependencies(self): """ Import the dependencies for the record""" record = self.magento_record # import related categories for mag_category_id in record['categories']: self._import_dependency(mag_category_id, 'magento.product.category') if record['type_id'] == 'bundle': self._import_bundle_dependencies() def _validate_product_type(self, data): """ Check if the product type is in the selection (so we can prevent the `except_orm` and display a better error message). """ product_type = data['product_type'] product_model = self.env['magento.product.product'] types = product_model.product_type_get() available_types = [typ[0] for typ in types] if product_type not in available_types: raise InvalidDataError("The product type '%s' is not " "yet supported in the connector." % product_type) def _must_skip(self): """ Hook called right after we read the data from the backend. If the method returns a message giving a reason for the skipping, the import will be interrupted and the message recorded in the job (if the import is called directly by the job, not by dependencies). If it returns None, the import will continue normally. :returns: None | str | unicode """ if self.magento_record['type_id'] == 'configurable': return _('The configurable product is not imported in OpenERP, ' 'because only the simple products are used in the sales ' 'orders.') def _validate_data(self, data): """ Check if the values to import are correct Pro-actively check before the ``_create`` or ``_update`` if some fields are missing or invalid Raise `InvalidDataError` """ self._validate_product_type(data) def _create(self, data): openerp_binding = super(ProductImporter, self)._create(data) checkpoint = self.unit_for(AddCheckpoint) return openerp_binding def _after_import(self, binding): """ Hook called at the end of the import """ translation_importer = self.unit_for(TranslationImporter),, mapper_class=ProductImportMapper) image_importer = self.unit_for(CatalogImageImporter), if self.magento_record['type_id'] == 'bundle': bundle_importer = self.unit_for(BundleImporter), self.magento_record)
ProductImport = ProductImporter # deprecated
[docs]@magento class PriceProductImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = 'magento.product.product'
[docs] @mapping def price(self, record): return {'list_price': record.get('price', 0.0)}
[docs]@magento class IsActiveProductImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = 'magento.product.product'
[docs] @mapping def is_active(self, record): """Check if the product is active in Magento and set active flag in OpenERP status == 1 in Magento means active""" return {'active': (record.get('status') == '1')}
[docs]@magento class BundleProductImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = 'magento.product.product'
[docs]@magento class ProductInventoryExporter(Exporter): _model_name = ['magento.product.product'] _map_backorders = {'use_default': 0, 'no': 0, 'yes': 1, 'yes-and-notification': 2, } def _get_data(self, product, fields): result = {} if 'magento_qty' in fields: result.update({ 'qty': product.magento_qty, # put the stock availability to "out of stock" 'is_in_stock': int(product.magento_qty > 0) }) if 'manage_stock' in fields: manage = product.manage_stock result.update({ 'manage_stock': int(manage == 'yes'), 'use_config_manage_stock': int(manage == 'use_default'), }) if 'backorders' in fields: backorders = product.backorders result.update({ 'backorders': self._map_backorders[backorders], 'use_config_backorders': int(backorders == 'use_default'), }) return result
[docs] def run(self, binding_id, fields): """ Export the product inventory to Magento """ product = self.model.browse(binding_id) magento_id = self.binder.to_backend( data = self._get_data(product, fields) self.backend_adapter.update_inventory(magento_id, data)
ProductInventoryExport = ProductInventoryExporter # deprecated # fields which should not trigger an export of the products # but an export of their inventory INVENTORY_FIELDS = ('manage_stock', 'backorders', 'magento_qty', )
[docs]@on_record_write(model_names='magento.product.product') def magento_product_modified(session, model_name, record_id, vals): if session.context.get('connector_no_export'): return if session.env[model_name].browse(record_id).no_stock_sync: return inventory_fields = list(set(vals).intersection(INVENTORY_FIELDS)) if inventory_fields: export_product_inventory.delay(session, model_name, record_id, fields=inventory_fields, priority=20)
[docs]@job(default_channel='root.magento') @related_action(action=unwrap_binding) def export_product_inventory(session, model_name, record_id, fields=None): """ Export the inventory configuration and quantity of a product. """ product = session.env[model_name].browse(record_id) backend_id = env = get_environment(session, model_name, backend_id) inventory_exporter = env.get_connector_unit(ProductInventoryExporter) return, fields)