Source code for openerp.addons.magentoerpconnect.magento_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Author: Guewen Baconnier
#    Copyright 2013 Camptocamp SA
#    Copyright 2013 Akretion
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError
from openerp.addons.connector.session import ConnectorSession
from openerp.addons.connector.connector import ConnectorUnit
from openerp.addons.connector.unit.mapper import mapping, ImportMapper
from .unit.backend_adapter import GenericAdapter
from .unit.import_synchronizer import (import_batch,
from .partner import partner_import_batch
from .sale import sale_order_import_batch
from .backend import magento
from .connector import add_checkpoint

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

IMPORT_DELTA_BUFFER = 30  # seconds

[docs]class MagentoBackend(models.Model): _name = 'magento.backend' _description = 'Magento Backend' _inherit = 'connector.backend' _backend_type = 'magento'
[docs] @api.model def select_versions(self): """ Available versions in the backend. Can be inherited to add custom versions. Using this method to add a version from an ``_inherit`` does not constrain to redefine the ``version`` field in the ``_inherit`` model. """ return [('1.7', '1.7+')]
@api.model def _get_stock_field_id(self): field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search( [('model', '=', 'product.product'), ('name', '=', 'virtual_available')], limit=1) return field version = fields.Selection(selection='select_versions', required=True) location = fields.Char( string='Location', required=True, help="Url to magento application", ) admin_location = fields.Char(string='Admin Location') use_custom_api_path = fields.Boolean( string='Custom Api Path', help="The default API path is '/index.php/api/xmlrpc'. " "Check this box if you use a custom API path, in that case, " "the location has to be completed with the custom API path ", ) username = fields.Char( string='Username', help="Webservice user", ) password = fields.Char( string='Password', help="Webservice password", ) use_auth_basic = fields.Boolean( string='Use HTTP Auth Basic', help="Use a Basic Access Authentication for the API. " "The Magento server could be configured to restrict access " "using a HTTP authentication based on a username and " "a password.", ) auth_basic_username = fields.Char( string='Basic Auth. Username', help="Basic access authentication web server side username", ) auth_basic_password = fields.Char( string='Basic Auth. Password', help="Basic access authentication web server side password", ) sale_prefix = fields.Char( string='Sale Prefix', help="A prefix put before the name of imported sales orders.\n" "For instance, if the prefix is 'mag-', the sales " "order 100000692 in Magento, will be named 'mag-100000692' " "in OpenERP.", ) warehouse_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='stock.warehouse', string='Warehouse', required=True, help='Warehouse used to compute the ' 'stock quantities.', ) company_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='', related='warehouse_id.company_id', string='Company', readonly=True, ) website_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='', inverse_name='backend_id', string='Website', readonly=True, ) default_lang_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.lang', string='Default Language', help="If a default language is selected, the records " "will be imported in the translation of this language.\n" "Note that a similar configuration exists " "for each storeview.", ) default_category_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='product.category', string='Default Product Category', help='If a default category is selected, products imported ' 'without a category will be linked to it.', ) # TODO? add a field `auto_activate` -> activate a cron import_products_from_date = fields.Datetime( string='Import products from date', ) import_categories_from_date = fields.Datetime( string='Import categories from date', ) product_stock_field_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='ir.model.fields', string='Stock Field', default=_get_stock_field_id, domain="[('model', 'in', ['product.product', 'product.template'])," " ('ttype', '=', 'float')]", help="Choose the field of the product which will be used for " "stock inventory updates.\nIf empty, Quantity Available " "is used.", ) product_binding_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='magento.product.product', inverse_name='backend_id', string='Magento Products', readonly=True, ) account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.analytic.account', string='Analytic account', help='If specified, this analytic account will be used to fill the ' 'field on the sale order created by the connector. The value can ' 'also be specified on website or the store or the store view.' ) fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.fiscal.position', string='Fiscal position', help='If specified, this fiscal position will be used to fill the ' 'field fiscal position on the sale order created by the connector.' 'The value can also be specified on website or the store or the ' 'store view.' ) _sql_constraints = [ ('sale_prefix_uniq', 'unique(sale_prefix)', "A backend with the same sale prefix already exists") ]
[docs] @api.multi def check_magento_structure(self): """ Used in each data import. Verify if a website exists for each backend before starting the import. """ for backend in self: websites = backend.website_ids if not websites: backend.synchronize_metadata() return True
[docs] @api.multi def synchronize_metadata(self): try: session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env) for backend in self: for model in ('', '', 'magento.storeview'): # import directly, do not delay because this # is a fast operation, a direct return is fine # and it is simpler to import them sequentially import_batch(session, model, return True except Exception as e: _logger.error(e.message, exc_info=True) raise UserError( _(u"Check your configuration, we can't get the data. " u"Here is the error:\n%s") % str(e).decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
[docs] @api.multi def import_partners(self): """ Import partners from all websites """ for backend in self: backend.check_magento_structure() backend.website_ids.import_partners() return True
[docs] @api.multi def import_sale_orders(self): """ Import sale orders from all store views """ storeview_obj = self.env['magento.storeview'] storeviews =[('backend_id', 'in', self.ids)]) storeviews.import_sale_orders() return True
[docs] @api.multi def import_customer_groups(self): session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid, context=self.env.context) for backend in self: backend.check_magento_structure() import_batch.delay(session, 'magento.res.partner.category', return True
@api.multi def _import_from_date(self, model, from_date_field): session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid, context=self.env.context) import_start_time = for backend in self: backend.check_magento_structure() from_date = getattr(backend, from_date_field) if from_date: from_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(from_date) else: from_date = None import_batch.delay(session, model,, filters={'from_date': from_date, 'to_date': import_start_time}) # Records from Magento are imported based on their `created_at` # date. This date is set on Magento at the beginning of a # transaction, so if the import is run between the beginning and # the end of a transaction, the import of a record may be # missed. That's why we add a small buffer back in time where # the eventually missed records will be retrieved. This also # means that we'll have jobs that import twice the same records, # but this is not a big deal because they will be skipped when # the last `sync_date` is the same. next_time = import_start_time - timedelta(seconds=IMPORT_DELTA_BUFFER) next_time = fields.Datetime.to_string(next_time) self.write({from_date_field: next_time})
[docs] @api.multi def import_product_categories(self): self._import_from_date('magento.product.category', 'import_categories_from_date') return True
[docs] @api.multi def import_product_product(self): self._import_from_date('magento.product.product', 'import_products_from_date') return True
@api.multi def _domain_for_update_product_stock_qty(self): return [ ('backend_id', 'in', self.ids), ('type', '!=', 'service'), ('no_stock_sync', '=', False), ]
[docs] @api.multi def update_product_stock_qty(self): mag_product_obj = self.env['magento.product.product'] domain = self._domain_for_update_product_stock_qty() magento_products = magento_products.recompute_magento_qty() return True
@api.model def _magento_backend(self, callback, domain=None): if domain is None: domain = [] backends = if backends: getattr(backends, callback)() @api.model def _scheduler_import_sale_orders(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('import_sale_orders', domain=domain) @api.model def _scheduler_import_customer_groups(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('import_customer_groups', domain=domain) @api.model def _scheduler_import_partners(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('import_partners', domain=domain) @api.model def _scheduler_import_product_categories(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('import_product_categories', domain=domain) @api.model def _scheduler_import_product_product(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('import_product_product', domain=domain) @api.model def _scheduler_update_product_stock_qty(self, domain=None): self._magento_backend('update_product_stock_qty', domain=domain)
[docs] @api.multi def output_recorder(self): """ Utility method to output a file containing all the recorded requests / responses with Magento. Used to generate test data. Should be called with ``erppeek`` for instance. """ from .unit.backend_adapter import output_recorder import os import tempfile fmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' timestamp = filename = 'output_%s_%s' % (, timestamp) path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), filename) output_recorder(path) return path
[docs]class MagentoConfigSpecializer(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'magento.config.specializer' specific_account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.analytic.account', string='Specific analytic account', help='If specified, this analytic account will be used to fill the ' 'field on the sale order created by the connector. The value can ' 'also be specified on website or the store or the store view.' ) specific_fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.fiscal.position', string='Specific fiscal position', help='If specified, this fiscal position will be used to fill the ' 'field fiscal position on the sale order created by the connector.' 'The value can also be specified on website or the store or the ' 'store view.' ) account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.analytic.account', string='Analytic account', compute='_get_account_analytic_id', ) fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.fiscal.position', string='Fiscal position', compute='_get_fiscal_position_id', ) @property def _parent(self): return getattr(self, self._parent_name) @api.multi def _get_account_analytic_id(self): for this in self: this.account_analytic_id = ( this.specific_account_analytic_id or this._parent.account_analytic_id) @api.multi def _get_fiscal_position_id(self): for this in self: this.fiscal_position_id = ( this.specific_fiscal_position_id or this._parent.fiscal_position_id)
[docs]class MagentoWebsite(models.Model): _name = '' _inherit = ['magento.binding', 'magento.config.specializer'] _description = 'Magento Website' _parent_name = 'backend_id' _order = 'sort_order ASC, id ASC' name = fields.Char(required=True, readonly=True) code = fields.Char(readonly=True) sort_order = fields.Integer(string='Sort Order', readonly=True) store_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='', inverse_name='website_id', string='Stores', readonly=True, ) import_partners_from_date = fields.Datetime( string='Import partners from date', ) product_binding_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='magento.product.product', string='Magento Products', readonly=True, )
[docs] @api.multi def import_partners(self): session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid, context=self.env.context) import_start_time = for website in self: backend_id = if website.import_partners_from_date: from_string = fields.Datetime.from_string from_date = from_string(website.import_partners_from_date) else: from_date = None partner_import_batch.delay( session, 'magento.res.partner', backend_id, {'magento_website_id': website.magento_id, 'from_date': from_date, 'to_date': import_start_time}) # Records from Magento are imported based on their `created_at` # date. This date is set on Magento at the beginning of a # transaction, so if the import is run between the beginning and # the end of a transaction, the import of a record may be # missed. That's why we add a small buffer back in time where # the eventually missed records will be retrieved. This also # means that we'll have jobs that import twice the same records, # but this is not a big deal because they will be skipped when # the last `sync_date` is the same. next_time = import_start_time - timedelta(seconds=IMPORT_DELTA_BUFFER) next_time = fields.Datetime.to_string(next_time) self.write({'import_partners_from_date': next_time}) return True
[docs]class MagentoStore(models.Model): _name = '' _inherit = ['magento.binding', 'magento.config.specializer'] _description = 'Magento Store' _parent_name = 'website_id' name = fields.Char() website_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='', string='Magento Website', required=True, readonly=True, ondelete='cascade', ) backend_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='magento.backend', related='website_id.backend_id', string='Magento Backend', store=True, readonly=True, # override 'magento.binding', can't be INSERTed if True: required=False, ) storeview_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='magento.storeview', inverse_name='store_id', string="Storeviews", readonly=True, ) send_picking_done_mail = fields.Boolean( string='Send email notification on picking done', help="Does the picking export/creation should send " "an email notification on Magento side?", ) send_invoice_paid_mail = fields.Boolean( string='Send email notification on invoice validated/paid', help="Does the invoice export/creation should send " "an email notification on Magento side?", ) create_invoice_on = fields.Selection( selection=[('open', 'Validate'), ('paid', 'Paid')], string='Create invoice on action', default='paid', required=True, help="Should the invoice be created in Magento " "when it is validated or when it is paid in OpenERP?\n" "This only takes effect if the sales order's related " "payment method is not giving an option for this by " "itself. (See Payment Methods)", )
[docs]class MagentoStoreview(models.Model): _name = 'magento.storeview' _inherit = ['magento.binding', 'magento.config.specializer'] _description = "Magento Storeview" _parent_name = 'store_id' _order = 'sort_order ASC, id ASC' name = fields.Char(required=True, readonly=True) code = fields.Char(readonly=True) enabled = fields.Boolean(string='Enabled', readonly=True) sort_order = fields.Integer(string='Sort Order', readonly=True) store_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='', string='Store', ondelete='cascade', readonly=True) lang_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.lang', string='Language') section_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='', string='Sales Team') backend_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='magento.backend', related='store_id.website_id.backend_id', string='Magento Backend', store=True, readonly=True, # override 'magento.binding', can't be INSERTed if True: required=False, ) import_orders_from_date = fields.Datetime( string='Import sale orders from date', help='do not consider non-imported sale orders before this date. ' 'Leave empty to import all sale orders', ) no_sales_order_sync = fields.Boolean( string='No Sales Order Synchronization', help='Check if the storeview is active in Magento ' 'but its sales orders should not be imported.', ) catalog_price_tax_included = fields.Boolean(string='Prices include tax')
[docs] @api.multi def import_sale_orders(self): session = ConnectorSession(, self.env.uid, context=self.env.context) import_start_time = for storeview in self: if storeview.no_sales_order_sync: _logger.debug("The storeview '%s' is active in Magento " "but is configured not to import the " "sales orders", continue backend_id = if storeview.import_orders_from_date: from_string = fields.Datetime.from_string from_date = from_string(storeview.import_orders_from_date) else: from_date = None sale_order_import_batch.delay( session, '', backend_id, {'magento_storeview_id': storeview.magento_id, 'from_date': from_date, 'to_date': import_start_time}, priority=1) # executed as soon as possible # Records from Magento are imported based on their `created_at` # date. This date is set on Magento at the beginning of a # transaction, so if the import is run between the beginning and # the end of a transaction, the import of a record may be # missed. That's why we add a small buffer back in time where # the eventually missed records will be retrieved. This also # means that we'll have jobs that import twice the same records, # but this is not a big deal because the sales orders will be # imported the first time and the jobs will be skipped on the # subsequent imports next_time = import_start_time - timedelta(seconds=IMPORT_DELTA_BUFFER) next_time = fields.Datetime.to_string(next_time) self.write({'import_orders_from_date': next_time}) return True
[docs]@magento class WebsiteAdapter(GenericAdapter): _model_name = '' _magento_model = 'ol_websites' _admin_path = 'system_store/editWebsite/website_id/{id}'
[docs]@magento class StoreAdapter(GenericAdapter): _model_name = '' _magento_model = 'ol_groups' _admin_path = 'system_store/editGroup/group_id/{id}'
[docs]@magento class StoreviewAdapter(GenericAdapter): _model_name = 'magento.storeview' _magento_model = 'ol_storeviews' _admin_path = 'system_store/editStore/store_id/{id}'
[docs]@magento class MetadataBatchImporter(DirectBatchImporter): """ Import the records directly, without delaying the jobs. Import the Magento Websites, Stores, Storeviews They are imported directly because this is a rare and fast operation, and we don't really bother if it blocks the UI during this time. (that's also a mean to rapidly check the connectivity with Magento). """ _model_name = [ '', '', 'magento.storeview', ]
MetadataBatchImport = MetadataBatchImporter # deprecated
[docs]@magento class WebsiteImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = '' direct = [('code', 'code'), ('sort_order', 'sort_order')]
[docs] @mapping def name(self, record): name = record['name'] if name is None: name = _('Undefined') return {'name': name}
[docs] @mapping def backend_id(self, record): return {'backend_id':}
[docs]@magento class StoreImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = '' direct = [('name', 'name')]
[docs] @mapping def website_id(self, record): binder = self.binder_for(model='') binding_id = binder.to_openerp(record['website_id']) return {'website_id': binding_id}
[docs]@magento class StoreviewImportMapper(ImportMapper): _model_name = 'magento.storeview' direct = [ ('name', 'name'), ('code', 'code'), ('is_active', 'enabled'), ('sort_order', 'sort_order'), ]
[docs] @mapping def store_id(self, record): binder = self.binder_for(model='') binding_id = binder.to_openerp(record['group_id']) return {'store_id': binding_id}
[docs]@magento class StoreImporter(MagentoImporter): """ Import one Magento Store (create a via _inherits) """ _model_name = ['', ] def _create(self, data): binding = super(StoreImporter, self)._create(data) checkpoint = self.unit_for(StoreAddCheckpoint) return binding
StoreImport = StoreImporter # deprecated
[docs]@magento class StoreviewImporter(MagentoImporter): """ Import one Magento Storeview """ _model_name = ['magento.storeview', ] def _create(self, data): binding = super(StoreviewImporter, self)._create(data) checkpoint = self.unit_for(StoreAddCheckpoint) return binding
StoreviewImport = StoreviewImporter # deprecated
[docs]@magento class StoreAddCheckpoint(ConnectorUnit): """ Add a connector.checkpoint on the magento.storeview or record """ _model_name = ['magento.storeview', '', ]
[docs] def run(self, binding_id): add_checkpoint(self.session, self.model._name, binding_id,
# backward compatibility StoreViewAddCheckpoint = magento(StoreAddCheckpoint)