.. _configure-pricing: ######################## How to configure pricing ######################## Install the pricing extensions by going in: `Settings > Configuration > Connector` and by checking the `Price are managed in Odoo with pricelists` option. ********************************** Prices are shared accross websites ********************************** The pricelist used for the prices sent to Magento is configured on the Magento Backend (`Connectors > Magento > Backends`). ************************************* Prices are different accross websites ************************************* .. note:: Verify that the option `Use pricelists to adapt your price per customers` is active in the Odoo `Settings > Configuration > Sales`. The pricelist used for the prices sent to Magento is configured on the Magento Backend (`Connectors > Magento > Backends`). Magento will use theses prices as default prices. .. note:: In Magento, the default is to share the prices between websites. If you want to have different prices per websites, go to `System > Catalog > Catalog > Price` and set the `Catalog Price Scope` to `Website` instead of `Global`. When you need different prices for a website, set the pricelist for this website in `Connectors > Magento > Websites`. .. warning:: The prices are actually updated on Magento when the price is changed on the products, not when a pricelist is modified.