.. _installation-guide: ################## Installation Guide ################## ************ Installation ************ The installation steps assume that you already have a functioning Odoo server. If you are a developer, you may want to install the Connector using our buildout configuration, head over :ref:`installation-with-buildout`. For the manual installation, just stay there. Requirements on both servers ============================ The ``ntp`` package should be install on the servers hosting Magento and Odoo to ensure a correct synchronization between them Odoo ==== Clone the repositories below in the path where you chosed to store the addons:: $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/connector.git -b 8.0 $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/connector-ecommerce.git -b 8.0 $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/connector-magento.git -b 8.0 $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/e-commerce.git -b 8.0 $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/product-attribute.git -b 8.0 $ git clone git@github.com:OCA/sale-workflow.git -b 8.0 .. important:: Keep the git branches entire. Do not copy-paste the modules in another directory. Add the branches in the addons path, either using the server command line or adding them in the Odoo server configuration file. Example using the command line argument:: $ /path/to/openerp-server --addons-path /path/to/connector,/path/to/connector-ecommerce,/path/to/connector-magento,/path/to/e-commerce,/path/to/product-attribute,/path/to/sale-workflow You also need to install the ``magento`` Python package. So install it with either pip or either easy_install:: $ pip install magento $ easy_install magento Note that you may need to use the root rights on your system. In Odoo, update the modules list using `Settings > Modules > Update Modules List`. Go to the menu `Settings > Modules > Installed Modules`, remove the `Installed` filter and search for `Magento Connector`, then click on `Install`. Magento ======= For the time being, the Magento extension originally built by OpenLabs is still used by the connector. But the version published on `Magento Connect` is outdated. Download the following ``Bazaar`` branch and install it in Magento:: $ bzr branch lp:magentoerpconnect/magento-module-oerp6.x-stable magento-module In order to install it: 1. Move the `Openlabs` folder in the `magento_root/app/code/community`. #. Move the file `app/etc/modules/Openlabs_OpenERPConnector.xml` in `magento_root/app/etc/modules`. #. Flush the Magento cache from the admin panel or by removing everything in `magento_root/var/cache` .. important:: This notice does not apply if you use a version of Magento above 1.7. Please check if you have installed Magento 1.7 on PHP with a *5.4.x* version. Magento 1.7 is **not compatible** with this version and would prevent the API to behave normally. In that case, you must retrograde to PHP 5.3.x or apply the patch provided by Magento (see http://magento.com/resources/system-requirements) Configuring the Magento web-services ==================================== 1. In the Magento admin panel, go to `System > Web-Services > SOAP/XML-RPC - Roles`. #. Create a new role named `openerp` with access to `All` resources. #. In `System > Web-Services > SOAP/XML-RPC - Users`, create a new user named as you want, for instance `openerp_connect`, and an API key. In `User Role`, choose the `openerp` role. ********************** After the installation ********************** Once the addon is installed, you may want to: 1. Read or read again :ref:`key-questions` #. Assign the `Connector Manager` group on your user. #. Create the Backend in `Connectors > Magento > Backend`, use the role created in `Configuring the Magento web-services`_. #. Synchronize the initial metadata using the button `Synchronize Metadata` on the backend. #. Configure the translations if you use them: :ref:`configure-translations` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-emails` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-payment-methods` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-automatic-workflows` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-shipping-methods` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-warehouses` #. Configure: :ref:`configure-pricing` On the backend, #. Import the customer groups #. Optionally, import the partners, otherwise they will be imported on the fly with the sales orders #. Import the product categories #. Configure the default values (accounting, ...) of the new categories, using the :ref:`connector-checkpoint` #. Import the products #. Configure the new products (accounting, suppliers, stock rules, ...) of the new products, using the :ref:`connector-checkpoint` #. Create an inventory for your products #. Update the stock quantities on Magento #. Import the sales orders #. Once you are all done and happy, configure the schedulers: :ref:`configure-schedulers` **************** On a daily basis **************** * :ref:`connector-checkpoint` * :ref:`monitor-resolve-jobs`